
How to plan visit to Mecca?

There are around 1.6 billion followers of Islam all over the world which makes it the second largest religion all over the world. Every religion has some pilgrimage sites and same is the case with Islam. The Islamic followers have deep faith in Umrah and Hajj. These pilgrimage sites are located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

About Hajj to Mecca

It is believed that Mecca is the birthplace of Mohammad. Every year millions of people visit Mecca which is located in Western Saudi Arabia. The population of Mecca in 2012 was 2 million however during the time of visits the population increases to thrice of it, making the pilgrimage a bit challenging task to perform.

haj package

Pick right packages

Due to large amount of people travelling to Mecca, it becomes difficult to perform the pilgrimage with comfort especially during hajj period. In such cases it is advisable to book a Pilgrimage package and get rid of complications and discomfort. Following factors should be kept in mind while choosing a package;

  1. Opt for a company having good reputation in the market. It is recommended to go through their reviews and learn different aspects to it.
  2. Make sure that Umrah packages or Hajj Package offered suits to your requirement. It is always good to opt for a company or package which can be customized.
  3. Inquire about the prices of packages to find if they fit well within your budget or not. Often companies offer different kinds of packages, which might vary in terms of the services offered and accordingly prices of the same varies.

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