
Few suggestions for booking accommodation during Hajj and Umrah Travel

When going on Hajj, the major problem which Hajis face is regarding the accommodation. As a large number of people go for Hajj and Umrah Travel, it becomes difficult to book accommodation in Mecca and Medina. There are many hotels available In Mecca and Madinah near the border of the main pilgrimage center. But most of the accommodations get booked in advance only. Or the agents book them for selling them with Ramadan Umrah packages. In case, if you are also planning to go for Hajj in the year 2020, here are a few suggestions, so that you can easily get the accommodation in Mecca and Medina.

  • Look for the packages which also include accommodation in it, so that you do not have to face the problem in booking the accommodation separately. You can ask the travel agents to provide you with a Hajj package in which both flight tickets and accommodation are there. But when booking the Hajj package along with the accommodation, do check the price difference when booking along with accommodation and without accommodation. This will help you in knowing how much they are charging for the accommodation.
  • Another thing which you can do is to look for the hotel rooms in Mecca and Medina online only. But not when the Hajj tour date is near. You should book the hotel rooms also in advance only. As, last minute, you may not get the hotel rooms or you may get them far away.
  • If hotel rooms are not available, you can also look for the tent houses in Mecca and Medina. They are cheap in comparison to the hotel rooms, and as most of the people book hotel rooms first, so you may get the tent house easily.

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