
Get all the info when going for Hajj and Umrah

The Hajj and Umrah 2020 booking has already started. Lakhs of people from different countries of the world are planning to visit Mecca and Medina for Hajj and Umrah. Some visit their alone, while some go with family. You will find every age of people there, from kids to elders, everyone goes for Hajj. It is being said that every Muslim should go for Hajj and Umrah. But most of the people who go for Hajj the first time are not aware of how they should plan their Hajj travel. They make many mistakes due to which they sometimes miss going on Hajj and sometimes, they are not able to reach for Hajj on time. That is why, we always suggest people that if you are going for Hajj, ensure that you have checked all the details.

Often people take the wrong Hajj packages and by the time they get to know it, it is already late. Some people are not even aware of the eligibility rules, as they do not read the complete eligibility guidelines on the Hajj Committee website. When it comes to booking the Hajj and Umrah packages, people often end up booking only the stay packages. However, we always suggest people book Hajj and Umrah Packages including flights. By doing so, you will not just save some money on booking flights separately. But you will be able to get a flight at the right time. As it becomes quite difficult to book flights separately during Hajj. So, ensure that you take care of all these things when going for Hajj.


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