
Importance Hajj Packages

Hajj is one of the most important religious pilgrimages that every Muslim must fulfil once in their lifetime. Despite its importance, millions of Muslims cannot make this journey due to a lack of finances. The good news is that by applying for British Hajj and Umrah Services companies, Muslims can easily afford these services at reasonable rates because they take care of all your travel needs under one roof.

Understanding Hajj

Hajj is a pilgrimage that takes place during the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah in Mecca, which is located in Saudi Arabia. The prophet Muhammad was born and grew up and received divine revelation from Allah (God). It holds great significance for Muslims as it shows unity among them, their submission to Allah.

Muslims are also required to perform Umrah, which can be performed throughout the year, and it is because it’s based on an invitation from God, and one should not postpone until the next Hajj season. However, some people still do this thinking that they’re saving money, but doing so will only put them in financial debt for years to come, even if they conduct both pilgrimages together.


Umrah package or services usually include visits to holy places like Makkah (Mecca), Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifah and Madinah, where Prophet Muhammad was buried. During Hajj, pilgrims visit Mount Arafat for prayer, spend a night at Muzdalifah where they gather pebbles for the Stoning of Satan, see Mina throw stones at three pillars and finally return to Makkah for prayer.

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